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self / personality

Technology tightens the intensity of the environment. A harassing technology environment will lead this Transformative man with good values, role model,

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Educating the Masses

Regarding elevating/educating the ignorant masses I would argue that some pockets of the society where I live are experiencing a phenomenon that dimly

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7 Steps to Follow for Productivity: Keeping Things Together for Better

Have you ever thought like you are unable to think clearly? Maybe you’re trying to get over some problems or wanted to have the best in your life. However,

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Situation Leadership

I have chosen Situation Leadership beacuse I believe when dealing with a lot of different personalities you need to be adaptable how you manage and suppport

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Watching TV

I love watching real life TV documentaries such as The Deadliest Catch, a show about crab fishing in the Bering Sea. Since reading about leadership styles,

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How Collaboration Can Be Effective in Project Management

Photo courtesy of Fox via

There’s a saying that goes, “No man is an island.” This is true when it comes to project management. When people come together to finish a common goal,

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Are you a Bad Leader? Four negative leadership traits that say you are.

As you’re aware being the boss has many benefits. You’re in the unique position, with legitimate authority, to make important and lasting impacts to your

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Character Formation for Great Leadership

Great leadership determines its engagement in the right process for a character development. It is essential to a flawed leader who wanted himself to improve

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3 things to remember about leadership

3 things to remember about leadership 1. Leadership is intentional. Whatever your strategies, your intention matters. Whatever challenges it may come

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what are the Implications for Financial Incentives in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Model


critique of Vroom's theory

Are there current critiques of the theory after Graen (1969), Lawler (1971), Lawler and Porter (1967 & 1968)

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importance of leadership in motivating employees

Increase production in the organization

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Motivation is the basic of all success in life. All activities need complete motivation

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Great Man Theory

I disagree. To say the theory is not true because environment shaped them is not intellectually honest. I challenge you to locate a person that is not

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As a young Sergeant in the early 80's and without the vocabulary to talk about it, I knew the value of participative leadership. I instructed my team members

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Pros and Cons of this Style of Leadership

Perhaps the first merit of this leadership style is that it addresses each team as unique and each challenge a company may have as unique and to be dealt

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Leadership in true sense

A Leader performs not for the tangible earning, rather performance produces inner satisfaction i.e. a complete spiritual gain... therefore, there is zero

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Mr. Redouane Sammou

How good are your Leadership skills? By M Sc. Redouane Sammou,Officer and Research Scholar For an effective leader, it is mandatory to ensure a value

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Managers- Do You Know Your Team

Attrition remains one of the biggest challenges in IT services industry. There is a say that “People leave managers, not companies”. I would say that

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Becoming successful. success is also one of the most important things that motivate someone. Whether I was at my O level. I was the best in mathematics

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Problem Solving with Empathy

We will understand your key problems from the core and always start with the basics. We empathize as we seek to understand your problems and provide you

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"To be blind is not miserable; not to be able to bear blindness, that is miserable."

Mind - Mind takes influence Mind works coz it sends thoughts We feel difficulty not because of obstacles we feel difficulty when mind does receive as

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National SHE Manager

As a Manager , I believe in the balance of both types of motivation but when I look at the organisational culture where the Extrinsic motivation factor

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Giving practical examples in both private and public organizations distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic not ovation

Giving practical examples in both private and public organizations. Distinguish extrinsic and intrinsic motivation

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Define Transformational Leadership

Can you defined transformational leadership; not using it antecedence or outcomes in that definition. Can we say the eyes have it ,i.e. the 4 I or are

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A Leader is

Someone who has the business at heart, shares his/her vision with the team and makes that vision a reality by empowering the team to achieve it

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Quickly Find what you're looking for via our Sitemap

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I am a Leadership and Personal Development Consultant in my community, and I have coined the term “Active Reformation Theory” (The Art of Leadership

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A leader Is a servant. A person who does not have the heart of service is not a leader. The heart of service is what makes a leader able to influence

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A lot of businesses fail because of poor leadership

A lot of businesses fail because of poor leadership

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