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A sound body is a sound mind

by Hamza Tanveer

In our society,we come across situations where our personality determines our worth.In today's day and age one with high intellect needs to look a certain way to be considered up to the par,and if the person with good,healthy brain doesn't have a very appealing physical outlook than he might not be a select able option. One must have a sound perspective on physical health because having a presentable personality will not only make you eye catching but "looks before books" will make you even preferable.

Since i am a student i know sometimes in the race to get Good Grades and being a leader among other peers one forgets about his general well being e.g health which deteriorates every day and before he/she knows, they realizes they have far left off the the course of "A sound body is a sound mind",which than leads to a phase of depression and complete diffidence.

And no matter what their achievements had been during the academic period, that "out of shape" physique leads to an out of shape mentality.So keeping this in perspective before getting too caught up in the daily conundrums of life one should take out little time to rejuvenate to become a model of "a Sound is a sound mind".

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Thank you for your response Sir!!Yes its an important topic and spreading the awareness is important so please share it with your fellow peers.
have a good day

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