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4 Rules Of Engagement Used By Top Leaders

by Joshua Jarvis
(Duluth, GA, USA)

After over 10 years of researching what the top leaders in the world do to be successful, the CEO Genome project has released their findings. One of the surprising pieces of information was the Rules of Engagement for the best leaders.

The best leaders engaged in 3 key ways and chose not to engage in 1 way.

They Engaged In Accountability

The all-star leaders chose to be very focused on their engagement with their accountability partners or bosses, particularly around results. Why? - They are/were results oriented.

They Engaged With Their Team

They took the time to figure out not only what they (the leader) needed to succeed, but also what it meant for the individual team members to succeed. The best leaders were good at setting their teams up for success.

The Engaged With Conflict

Finally, every successful leader should know that the research shows that stellar leaders were 15 times more likely to be successful if they engaged in conflict. Meaning they had the hard conversations with their bosses and with their team. That doesn't meant they caused problems, quite the contrary.

The Best Leaders Chose NOT To Engage In A Likability Contest

Finally, the very best executives chose NOT to engage in likability. It turns out if you are successful at engaging in these 3 areas mentioned above that you'll be producing results and the likability takes care of itself. Everyone loves a winner.

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