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I agree in part

by Stephen blakemore
(United kingdom)

Great leaders do tend to have been affected by eductional, social and enviromental factors. these factors often impact on a wide variety of people, however, few find the inner determination to rise to the challenges laid before them in the same manner as the individuals that you would deem great leaders.

I believe there is a great deal of merit in the assumptions made by carlyle and also in this article.

In conclusion then it is my belief that great leaders occasionally have an instinct that fly's in the face of convention, they have the natural ability and charisma to express their ideas in such a way that it is not only persuasive but infectious. I further these traits can be found in people of all backgrounds and are traits they are born with. The social and economical environment of their upbringing and their educational background and aptitude play an equally crucial part in bringing great leaders to the fore.

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Apr 17, 2018
non applicability of great man theory of leadership
by: Daniel

still on the applicability of great man theory of leadership's views that says only great mans comprises of great man qualities,if i give a look to the modern world to some extent it is no-longer applicable because education transformed the can learn up to a point of being a great leader in the modern day , more concretely in the modern day we have got a number a female leaders holding large posts in the world. even in the past there were hero female having the great ability of being great leaders but they were only suppressed .

Nov 09, 2015
by: Hollywood

only a few people step up leadership positions held by the crisis they face, and they are forced to do this work. A small group was gathered by those who inherited the natural leadership capacity, and they realize they can leadership be held in their own separate way.

Oct 23, 2015
Leadership is a natural instinct
by: Alicia Wynne

It's a wonderful blog on leadership. Leadership is a natural instinct which is just for the leaders which can to be performed by another person who do not have this natural instinct. Why don't you try? It has leadership as a demanded upcoming topic of discussion. In which leadership and the required qualities are discussed in so much detail.

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