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An excellent tip for giving feedback

by Clinton Tedeschi

When I give negative feedback to my employees I of course follow our company policy and write up an official letter. Then, when I meet with the problematic employee I present him or her with the letter and discus the content in details giving some specific examples of what are the issue (s) and I make sure he/she understands why this is an issue.

Once he/she agrees with my observations, I make him/her sign the letter and here is the magic tip....I put the letter in my drawer and tell him/her that if I see some major improvements within the time line previously discussed, I will simply destroy the letter in front of him/her in our follow-up meeting and therefore the "incident" will not be filled within his/her personnel file.

This type of tip usually increases my objective of minimizing/eliminating the un-approved behavior and I also get the added bonus of gaining some respect from the individual. It’s a win win situation! As it is said in the article, the feedback as served its purpose.

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RE: An excellent tip for giving feedback
by: Ophelia Balan

It’s great topic. I have a friend when I was in junior high school who is not quite good in learning. She learns only when she had a desire to learn. She changed after getting accident in the class in which the teacher gave her negative feedback. The teacher directly judged her and say a bad thing. However, the negative feedback encourage her and made her life change.Now the result is she becomes a great students. So, feedback is necessary for the students to encourage and motivate them, but mostly should be positive feedback.

by: Laura

That does sound like a good idea to me. Mostly every official just send the feedback to the higher authorities and never discusses about this with the employee, which is almost like denying the chance to improve the areas where they have made mistakes.

by: Jeffin

As here said, you have to maintain good manners to give feedback. That is why you must be aware about many tips to deliver a good and meaningful feedback. I think that this post helps.

by: ewc

Well it is always good to leave a feedback for anything that we find interesting or not interesting even when it is asked or not too. All based on the thing and the venue that we are dealing with. Any one would love to know how their work is.

Great way to give negative feedback positively
by: Penelope Weikel

That's such an amazing tip! I will, without a doubt use this tip to provide my staff with some motivation to alter their bad habits ( I have a few that are always late in the morning). Guess we could do the same with positive feedback, but actually file the letter.

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